Monday, February 15, 2016

Letter to Mitch McConnell on his comments about delaying the selection of Antonin Scalia's replacement.

Senator McConnell,

"The American people‎ should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new President,".  You seriously said that?    I am pretty sure that in 2012 Barack Obama was re-elected in a fair election by the American people, which means the American people have had a voice in the selection of the next Supreme Court Justice.  You would seriously leave the Supreme Court short one justice just for a year because of your childish grade school bickering?  And since when does the Senate Majority Leader get to determine when a President's duties and responsibilities end?  I believe the constitution has already done that, perhaps you should read it sometime.   It is just this kind of absolute nonsense that made me leave the Republican Party 8 years ago and time and again over the last 8 years you all have shown me that I made the right decision.

For shame Senator, for shame,

Todd Peterson

Thursday, December 25, 2014

I found an old Buzz feed post that I made back in 2010 that I want to capture here because it is about a topic that has always bothered me.  The fact that we continue to treat the Soviet Union as a friend and ally in the great war against the evil Nazis is infuriating.  The reality is that when Germany rolled into Poland from the west the Soviets were rolling in from the East.  This and the fact that Stalin has just as much innocent blood on his hands as Hitler are both rarely mentioned.  I understand that at the time the allied governments felt they needed the Soviets to win the war but we should have treated them as the aggressors that they were and given them only enough aid to occupy the German forces.  Once victory was assured by the fall of 44 we should have ended our relationship and given them nothing at the end of the war.

My post form 2010:

"What the President fails to mention is that the meeting at the Elbe was nothing more than handing half of Europe over from one tyrant to another.  Joseph Stalin was just as evil as Adolf Hitler and the Soviets were not heroes who fought back the invading Germans but rather accomplices in the start of the war who were later betrayed  by their German allies.

Statement by the president commemorating the meeting of US and Soviet troops in 1945

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Government Program that should have its funding cut

Congress the biggest Government assistance program.  535 people paid over six figures a year for doing absolutely nothing.  That's over 53.5 million dollars of tax payer money.  That's not counting the cost of their offices, and their legion of staff members.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Thank God for Natural Disasters

Last night tornado's hit the American Midwest again.  Currently the death toll stands at 9 but will surely rise.  Watching the news reports and the interviews of survivors, inevitably there is someone who thanks god for his good fortune of not loosing his house or his life.  This has always struck me as strange every time there is a natural disaster.  So how does that thanks to god go?

 "Dear god, I'm not sure why you sent the (insert disaster here) that wiped my small town off the face of the earth but thank you for killing the Jones instead of me.  I always thought Fred was a shifty character and up to no good and his young wife was probably not much better, and their six year old holy terror of a son, things will be a lot quieter around here now. Oh and thanks for not destroying my house even while all the homes around me where blown off their foundations. I guess you must like me better than all my neighbors."

 I guess it's just me but thanking god for your own good fortune while so many around you have suffered tremendous loss is like thanking a terrorist for executing "the other guy".

Friday, December 23, 2011

Michele Bachmann and energy independence

"That's what Barack Obama has done to this country. He's put his reelection over adding jobs and making the United States energy independent. I would have made the decision as president of the United States, we would put Keystone online immediately. "

Michele Bachmann at the 15December Republican debate in Sioux City Iowa talking about Obama's delaying  the Keystone Pipeline.   I was amused by her mention of energy independence in relation to the pipeline.  Apparently she is not aware that Canada is a foreign country.  I'm thinking the Republican ticket in 2012 should be Bachmann/Palin.  If anything it would make for an amusing campaign season.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Anthony Wiener media circus

The founding fathers knew that freedom of the press was a powerful weapon in the fight against tyranny, that's why it is protected by our Constitution.  But Freedom of the press in the hands of idiots is as dangerous as giving a loaded gun to a toddler.  
We have just seen how mob hysteria stoked by the clowns in the American media have circumvented our democratic process.  Anthony Wiener was an elected official from a New York Congressional District who just resigned because the media created such a circus that it was supposedly a distraction to our entire political process.  This type of nonsense belongs in the supermarket tabloids not in the mainstream media. Why should I even care that he was flirting on facebook and twitter with women other than his wife.  That is between him and his wife and no one else, and once the story went public it is up to his constituents whether he stays in office and no one else.  If i was in his district I would be disappointed in him but furious at the media for blowing this so much out of proportion that my choice of who represents me could be over ruled. 
 For all those people that claim we can no longer trust him because he lied, what rock do you live under? Politicians lie to us on a weekly basis and daily during the election cycle, and over far more important things. Why is it that we let it slide when politicians lie about taxes or health care (things that actually impact us) but we get all bent out of shape if it involves sex.  Are we such a puritanical society or are we just a bunch of hypocrits?

 If the mainstream media would spend half the time calling out the continous BS coming out of Washington as they did on this story, we might actually see our politicians shamed into getting something done.  But hey, why talk about real issues when there is something unseemly to talk about?  So congratulations CNN and all the rest, my opinion of you has hit an all time low.  Does anyone know of a professional news channel in this country?  If so I'd like to hear about it.
And no, I am not a fan of Anthony Wiener, I am just tired of all the nonsense when we have so many serious issues in this country.